Lipstick and a Smile

My 97-year old mother decided to leave her Texas home and move to North Carolina to be closer to her grandkids.

Moving 97 years of accumulation is an arduous task. There are hundreds of things to do…no thousands of things….No, I underestimate, there are millions of things to do. It may not be exactly that many, but it certainly feels like it.

After the first day of the move Vicki and I were weary, exhausted, tuckered out. We looked like we had been rode hard and put up wet.

Mother, who had worked just as hard as we, was zippity doo dah. She was ready to ride a bucking bronc…ready to rope a calf…ready to grab a rattlesnake by the tale, sling it around like a lariat and pop its head off.

With less life than a dead possum, I suggested we go out for a quick supper before falling into bed.

Mother began reapplying her lipstick and makeup.

I said, “Mother after 97-years of living you are still more vane than a peacock.”

She replied, “Yes I am vain and I’m going to show it. Makeup and wearing the latest fashion makes me feel better and my lipstick smile brings happiness to others.

(About a month ago our son took mother to Julian Gold, the most hifalutin women’s store in all of San Antonia where she purchased $500 of clothes. Now that’s optimism, folks.)

The point is this: we should look as good as we can everyday. It makes us feel better and broadcasts respect for others.

Women, put on makeup, burn those sloppy Wal-Mart clothes and dress your hifalutin best. It will add zip and zest to your life.

Men, shave or trim your beard everyday, comb your hair and wear clothes that are just a little better than everyman in the room. Dress for success.

Here is a thought to ponder: the shoes we wear tell more about us than any other article of clothing.

As for me—I wear cowboy boots every day of the year.

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