The Fragility of Health

A friend of mine, an excellent Primary Care Physician, told me about a patient that he seen, off and on, for ten years–a young man, strong, healthy, athletic. But after a flu-like illness 6-months ago, he developed a persistent cough and a slight decrease in stamina.  My friend listened to the young man’s heart and heard a loud heart murmur.  An ECG was abnormal.  A consulting cardiologist  ordered a test that showed an aneurysm about to burst.  The patient was airlifted by helicopter to a cardiac surgery team at a regional hospital. The young man went from a vigorous life to an ordinary flu like infection to a nagging cough, to finding himself in a helicopter facing imminent heart surgery.  How vulnerable we all are to illness, no matter how old or young, how robust or frail. All of us would do well to thank God for the health we have today for we know not what tomorrow will bring. A cliche perhaps, but a cliche worth pondering. 

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