These phrases may help close a deal. Get a raise. Get a date. Improve relationships in a marriage. Bring you and you rebellious teenager together. Help a committee agree on a plan of action.
1. What prevents?
- What prevents us from getting together?
- What prevents us from agreeing with each other?
- What prevents us from closing this deal together?
- What prevents us from talking with each other for 15 minutes everyday?
- What prevents us from having a weekend together away from the kids every two months?
- What prevents us from ending meetings 10 minutes before the scheduled time?
- What prevents us from having coffee together?
2. What causes?
- What causes our inability to understand each other?
- What causes our inability to go for coffee together?
- What causes our inability to agree on a curfew time?
- What causes hesitation in our getting together on this contract?
- What causes us to have meetings every day?
- What causes us to have long meetings?
- What causes us to continue arguing on this issue?
3. What would happen if?
- What would happen if we agreed on this contract together?
- What would happen if we went out for coffee together?
- What would happen if we got together at a specific time to talk for 15 minutes everyday?
- What would happen if we agreed on a curfew?
- What would happen if we as a committee decided to agree on this action plan?
- What would happen if we let you have the car keys every Saturday?
- What would happen if we decided on a specific time for doing homework?
- What prevents you from using these suggestions?
- What causes you to hesitate to use these phrases?
- What would happen if you used these techniques?