Two diets reduce the risk for Alzheimer’s. Both the DASH diet–Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and the Mediterranean diet improve brain health. Researchers combined the best of these diets to formulate the MIND diet for Alzheimer’s disease protection.
The MIND Diet
The Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay cuts the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease in half. Furthermore, people who follow the MIND diet have the mental capacity of people 7.5 years younger.
The MIND diet promotes plant based food. At the same time the diet restricts red meat, saturated fats and sweets. Sugar seems to be the gasoline for Alzheimers. A high carbohydrate diet almost doubles the risk of Alzheimer’s.
Three other unhealthy food groups include red meat, fried or fast food and cheese. The unhealthy list also includes butter or margarine.
The MIND diet test
Do you follow the MIND diet? Test yourself. Give yourself a point for each of these MIND diet recommendations:
- Three servings of whole grains a day
- Green leafy vegetables (such as salad) at least six times a week
- Other vegetables at least once a day
- Berries at least twice a week
- Fish at least once a week
- Poultry at least twice a week
- Beans more than three times a week
- Nuts at least five times a week
- Mainly olive oil for cooking
- One glass of wine or other alcoholic drink a day
- Less than a tablespoon of butter or margarine a day
- Less than a serving of cheese a week
- Less than five pastries or sweets a week
- Fried or fast food less than once a week
- Red meat less than four times a week
One study showed that adults who have an average score of 9.6 points out of 15 can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s by 53% . Those who scored and average of 7.5 points cut their risk by over a third.
Exercise can also reduce the risk for Alzheimer’s. Walking 30 minutes five times weekly adds preventive power to the MIND diet. Conclusion: exercise regularly and follow the MIND Diet for Alzheimer’s Disease Protection.