Consider Blessings

Because studies show that thankfulness lowers anxiety levels, elevates mood, relieves stress, improves socialization and stimulates a helpful attitude all of us would do well to focus on our blessings each day.

Lately I have been spending a few minutes jotting down 2 or 3 things that I am grateful for. I try to come up with something different each day. To do so I focus on the last 24-hours bringing to mind good things that happened yesterday.

To focus more deeply on those things for which I am thankful I ask myself these questions:

  1. Why did this blessing happen?
  2. What made this event a blessing to me?
  3. How can I show gratitude for this blessing?
  4. What can I do to be more aware of the blessings around me?
  5. How can I bless the lives of others?

Appreciating the blessings we have brings more blessings.

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