Bringing Balance to Life: Words and Deeds

Last month on a trip to Texas Vicki and I went to a movie with Joshua and his wife. On the way I pontificated grandly on the characteristics of a Christian, what it means to be a Christian, on sin and grace. Upon reflection, my pious dialogue was most likely off-putting to everyone in the car.

After the movie we met a former neighbor, Zack, in the lobby. I don’t like Zack. In my view he is an unctuous ingrate with a smarmy smile that says, “I know more than you.” (If you abhor someone consider that you may have the same traits as they and what you don’t like are those characteristics in yourself.)

After we greeted each other I moved off. A minute or two later I interrupted Zack in mid-sentence, “Come on Joshua, lets get out of here,”

A few days later while playing golf with Joshua I told him that Vicki and I enjoyed the movie. Joshua replied, “We enjoyed it too, but you weren’t a good Christian in the lobby.”

He went on to explain that I was arrogant, rude, and unkind toward Zack. “Is that what Jesus would do?” (A genuine friend tells you the truth about yourself—good and bad.)

I was stunned and ashamed. Immediately these thoughts popped into my mind, Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and truth (I John 3:18).

I had been a hypocrite. A few hours before my judgmental actions I had been expounding on Christian behavior.

Then I thought of what Jesus said, If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:46-48).

Of course, I will never be perfect. I sin daily. I’m arrogant and judgmental. I lust. I worship idols: fast cars, luxury, the Texas Aggies.  I am irritable and angry at times. The list goes on and on. But with God’s help and guidance from the Holy Spirit I can become a better Christian—in actions and deeds.

Thank God for grace. Thank God for truth-telling friends.

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