Bringing Balance to Life: Time for Priorities

Those who apply themselves too closely to little things often become incapable of great things.
— LaRochefoucauld
Many of us complain that we don’t have enough time. False! All of us have the time. Instead, most of us waste the time we have. We spend all our time on insignificant things and have no time left for the noteworthy activities. We’re too busy making a living to develop a lifestyle. 
A well-used time management rule says, Success depends on what you neglect. To get something important accomplished, neglect the time wasters, devote time to the significant.

Always follow the cardinal rule of time manage­ment: First things first. Early each morning make a list of those things to be accomplished that day. Review your goals. Next number your activities in the order of their impor­tance based on how those activities will help you accomplish your goals. Complete the first item first. The second, second.  The third, third. If you don’t get to number four, no big deal. Avoid criticizing yourself if you fail to achieve everything on your list. Remember, you did the most important things first.

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