Accepting responsibility requires continual self-examination to make certain that we avoid blaming others or making excuses. Freedom of choice, demands that we accept the consequences of our choices. In making right choices, we must be convinced that any life run on self-will ultimately will fail. When we replace self-centeredness with God-centeredness, we become less and less interested in making choices based selfish desires and more and more interested in helping others. Before we make decisions, we would do well to ask ourselves these questions: 1) Am I breaking God’s law. 2) Is it legal? 3) Is it ethical—does this choice follow the Golden Rule? 4) Is my decision based on selfish ambition or vain conceit? 5) Am I looking not only to my own interests, but also to the interests of others? 6) Am I following the will of God? 7) Am I acting according to God’s good purpose for my life?