God and physics discusses how paradox, general and special relativity, quantum mechanics and chaos theory may be connected to the mystery and majesty of God. I could be bounded in
14 Billion years ago* = Big Bang = Genesis 1:3 4.5 Billion years = Earth created = New Earth Creation claim 7000 yrs ago 3.7 Billion years ago*= Photosynthesis =
In the beginning of the seventh century the people of the Arabian Desert were divided into the urban craftsmen and the rural herders, the Bedouins. Neither Bedouins nor urban dwellers
Attributes of the Holy Spirit (Erickson: Christian Theology) Omniscient = 1 Cor. 2:10-1; John 3: 5-8; John 16: 8-1; John 16:13; Luke 1: 35; Rom 15:19 Eternal = Hebrews 9: